ojai massage services


Maia is a master level & trauma-informed practitioner*

Ojai Bodywork: Master-Level Massage

This refined and luxurious session will likely transform how you think about receiving massage and bodywork. With the support of carefully honed tools and techniques, clients are transported into deep relaxation and regulation that open pathways into dense, tight tissue and holding patterns. Clients leave feeling renewed, refreshed and more balanced. 

Ojai Coaching + Bodywork

This distinctive service pairs resilience coaching with bodywork to create deep and lasting shifts in patterns of somatic expression. Clients with chronic emotional and physical pain report profound experiential shifts and over time, develop a new way of responding when pain and discomfort is present.

Ojai Energy Healing + Craniosacral Therapy

This unique experiential session meets you where you are in the moment. We’ll partner with your emerging needs to embody a space that safe for deep listening and gentle, evolutionary shifts. This is a space Maia has cultivated with 20+ years of study with trusted energy healing leaders and wise indigenous healers. At the end, 5-10 minutes will be used for integration + questions/sharing. Note: to explore insights from these sessions, consider Maia’s embodied spiritual coaching. Note: Maia has gratefully received instruction and permission to practice the wisdom of indigenous healers. To learn more about her studies, see her About page or view her CV below.

Ojai Fascia Massage

The fascia is a soft tissue network that binds to, covers or touches almost every part of your body, including your brain. Your personal history, accidents, surgeries, stored emotions, memories, and more gradually impact the shape the fascia takes—and the posture the body takes. Through observation of where fascia is holding, bound or stuck and the application specialized techniques, this massage can increase metabolic function, free up bound muscles, organs and joints, reduce pain, increase blood flow, assist in lymph movement, detoxification and more. Many clients report that receiving this service feels like “something their body has needed for a very long time.” Techniques used are myofascial release, soft cupping and fascia blasting. Weekly or bi-weekly sessions for a period of 4-8 weeks are recommended for lasting change.

Click here for Maia’s CV